Oil Paintings & Woodcut Prints
Friday | December 9th | 2016
6 – 9 PM
On view : December 2nd – January 27th
Aaron Johnson’s oil paintings and woodcut prints explore the natural world and our human relationships within it. Gestures of California trees draw his eye to their underlying structure and geometry of forms. The paintings use the traditional materials of oil on linen canvas and the woodcuts are printed from multiple woodblocks with a 1947 Vandercook hand press. The process takes patience, but encourages a slower, more contemplative way of looking at the interconnectedness of life.
Aaron studied art at UC Santa Cruz, with a focus on painting, drawing, and printmaking. He gained more printing experience during his years at The Yolla Bolly Press, where he served as the letterpress printer for numerous limited-edition books. Aaron’s studio is in the Live Oak neighborhood of Santa Cruz where he participates in the Open Studios Art Tour each October. His work has been exhibited at Stanford University, Triton Museum of Art, San Diego Museum of Art, and Monterey Museum of Art.
More information and images at: www.aaronjohnson.net